I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while...there's been way too much going on. But, I was able to get some crafting done for a craft fair I did...and, one of the things I made was Angry Bird boxes...designed after the popular video game. I used the Sweet Tooth cartridge for all the boxes. The red bird, black bomb bird, and green pig king - all use the same ice cream sundae box that I used for my designer pumpkins below. The yellow bird uses the cake slice box (since that bird has a triangle shape).

These were so much fun to make and were a huge hit at the craft fair!
Red Angry Bird

Green Pig King

Black Bomb Bird

Yellow Angry Bird

The assembly line of birds...

Thanks for looking!
OMG, OMG, OMG! Those are SO CUTE! What a clever idea!! Very, very clever! I just posted this project and your pumpkin one to pinterest. GENIUS!!
Thanks for sharing this fabulous idea! Hugs, Joy
Oh my, I agree with Joy---this is one of the best ideas I've seen. Incredible, they turned out soooooo cute!!!! And so relevant!!!! ;)
This is awesome!!! I love it!!! What cart did you use?
So, so cute! Great job!
Great job on these. You have totally captured the expression of all - and they are fabulous!
How fun and clever!!!!!!!!! Holy cow, Sharon! I absolutely love these! Just pinned on Pinterest so I wouldn't forget them!!!
Love this!!!!! Great job!
I love these beautiful little things. You could teach me to do? Kisses
LOve these!!!!!
How creative!
I love these Angry Birds! Can you/will you please tell us how you did the faces? I would love to make these. Thanks
OMG those are the cutest things I've ever seen. lol
Great job.
Way to think outside of the box! These are super cute!!
These look great! I just had to show my boys and they are now requesting I make some for them.
Sharon, can you email me? I have a question for you! THANKS! Joy P.S. My email is joyster110@gmail.com.
Wow, you did a terrific job on the Angry Bird Boxes. I'm sure they were a hit! Very clever and so adorable!--Pat N.
Seriously this is the best project I have seen on the internet in months! AWESOME!! I am so going to make some of these for my Mom and her Friends at the nursing home!
I think I now have the next theme for my daughter' birthday party!! These are brilliant!!! Thanks for sharing!!
How hard were they? I have the cart thankfully! :)
Would you mind sending me the details for these??
I would REALLY appreciate it!!
Ditto what Joy said! I showed these to my hubby and now he wants me to make some. Would you mind sharing the recipe? Pretty please!
LOVE, love, love Angry Birds! You are super talented Sharon! :o)
wow wow, those are awesome!
Wow! These are adorable and they look so hard to make! I am going to read your instructions very carefully!!! You really rocked it!! Love 'em!
Are you sharing the cut file for the faces? I would love a copy if you are will to share it! My boys and their friends are Angry Bird Fanatics! My email is: smithhill13359@sbcglobal.net
wanna sell them? I would love to buy some for an upcoming birthday party we have! I wouldn't need many...like 10 maybe. :) LMK!
I love this!! Do you have a short cut to the gypsy or cricut craft room for this project? I would love to borrow it if I could! I don't have sweet tooth cartridge, but I will now! Christina ccapps35@gmail.com
WOW They are so cuttttte! Soon there will be a B-day party to my 6 years old niece and she loves Angry Bird. I joined the request of cema1cema. Do you have this project on cricut, MTC, SCALP SVG files? pls send me to Betti10@gmail.com. I will appreciate it a lotttt! Again... love it! Betti
I would also like the directions if you are sharing. My email is TheCricutLady@aol.com.
Thanks much,
These are amazing, would like to do these for a co-workers twin boys birthday party. If you are sharing I would love a copy of your cricut file. My email is sudokobear@gmail.com
If you are willing to share the file may I please have a copy? My son has requested an Angry Birds party and having these at the party would blow him away. Thank you. dawnell42@gmail.com
OMG These are too cute!! We will be celebrating my son's first birthday and his theme is Angry Birds. Would love if you could share your directions in making these awesome creations!! Email is man20rus@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance. Mahalo all the way from Hawaii!!!
I love these, they are exactly what I need for my kids party,I ran out and bought the cartridge just so I could make them, LOL. Would you be willing to share how you did the faces and what size you cut the boxes? My email is cindyklepacz@gmail.com they are amazing.
These are terrific! My nephew would love them. Do you mind sharing the directions? tracy.beistel@gmail.com Thank you so much!
I love this!! My Son and nephews are HUGE Angry Bird kids! Do you have a short cut to the cricut craft room for this project? I would love to borrow it if I could! It is for personal use only, not to be sold. anitamthibodeau@gmail.com
do you share your instructions? I jsut came upon this and would love to make a set for my son. cricutmouse@gmail.com.
Thanks Tammy
They are very cute, could you share the directions, so I can make them for my son´s birthday, thank you adriana.matamoros@gmail.com
I would love your instructions please! hollyberrymorgan@hotmail.com
Still willing to share instructions? Not only do my two boys LOVE Angry Birds but my husband plays on their tablet after they go to bed every night. Would love to make some for them. Thanks!
Please share directions for Angry Birds Holders. My boys (6&5) would love to make these!! juliedpowers@aol.com
Are you still willing to share instructions? I would love to make this for my grandchild. XOXOXO
Please send the file to: ritaertl@gmx.de
I love these Angry Birds! Please Can you/will you tell me how you did this Angry Birds? I would love to make these. Thank you.
They are so cute. I love this littel birds. could you share the instructions? My email is : michael@tm-schreinerei.ch Hugs, danks!!
Great birds! Lovely!
Great birds! Lovely!
Can you share the instructions and catridge you ysed. Thank you in advance! E-mail chevychick1027@gmail.com
Those are the cutest thing ever! Love it! If ur willing to share ur instructions I would love to try and recreate them for my nephews. My email address is jpham115@gmail.com. Thanks!
Are you still willing to share the instructions for the angry birds? They are stunning!!
My email adres is sboonstra@hotmail.com
Thank you in advance
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